Sunday, October 31, 2010

365, Day 39: Skyline Drive

Perfect day for a drive! 

365, Day 38: My Baby is Fixed!

My car is FIXED!!! It runs like new! Boy have I missed her! 

365, Day 37: It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Look what I got at the pumpkin patch! I'm sucha little kid :)

365, Day 36: Children's Books on Sale...Heck YES!

Soooooo excited for the Scholastic Book Fair! Definitely going to stock up on my children's books for my classroom!! Budget for this sale? Hmmmmmm, well, I guess I know where I will be spending most of my birthday money!

365, Day 35: Shep-or-Treat

SESA participated in Shepherd's 10th annual Shep-or-Treat this year! Over a 100 children came out around campus to play games, go to a haunted house, and get plenty of candy!
A great success!

365, Day 34: Pumpkin Carving Time, Yeah!

One of my favorite things to do: CARVE PUMPKINS!!!

365, Day 33: The Perfect Birthday Present

Perfect birthday present! Love me some Captain!

365, Day 32: Bella Boo Kisses!

Bella Boo giving me birthday kisses! Absolutely too stinkin' cute! Love my lil niece, haha.

365, Day 31: Breakfast of Champions

YUM! A blueberry muffin for breakfast! Does a body good :) 

365, Day 30: Leaves are Changing

Love this time of year...the leaves change into beautiful colors!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

365, Day 29: My Friends are AMAZING!!

My friends are the absolute BEST!!!!
They decorated, made delicious food, and a cake/cupcakes to celebrate my birthday!
We even carved pumpkins as part of the celebration!
Absolutely wonderful birthday :-)

365, Day 28: It's My Birfday!!

Welp, another year down! 23 doesn't feel any different that 22!!
Looking forward to what God has in store for me this upcoming year! :-)

365, Day 27: Missing Her Momma

Whenever my mom goes on trips for work or just because she deserves to get away, this is the face I always get from Sadie. She is definitely a Momma's dog!

365, Day 26: My Little Moocher

Sadie. My little moocher. Picks up any crumb that falls to the floor. What a little piggie! But, I still love her!

365, Day 25: West Virginia, Mountain Momma, Take Me Home

Beautiful Senaca Rock in Elkins, as we were driving back home from Charleston!
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

365, Day 24: We Got the Same Name

Hey! We got the same name!! :)
Wonderful speaker & motivator, Emily Ballance, was the presenter at this year's annual Professional Issues Conference in Charleston, WV. 

365, Day 23: Sunset in Charleston

Beautiful sunset in Charleston, West Virginia!! One of the most beautiful things God can do :)

365, Day 22: My Friend Totoro!

My Uncle Bill bought me something I have been wanting for years! A Totoro!!! And it's BIG & FLUFFY!!!
This character is one of my favorite childhood memories :)

365, Day 21: My Poor Car :(

My poooooooor baby!!! Transmission is dunzo! It's in the shop to get allllll better! Stinks though without my Lola! Bumming rides is NO FUN!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

365, Day 20: Jenny's New Toy

Jenny & her new pumpkin toy. I can't resist when I go into Petsmart. I always seem to come out with more doggie treats & a new toy for my Jen!

365, Day 19: Big Kids Can Carve Pumpkins Too!

Of course, we couldn't let the kids have all the fun; we decided on Columbus Day to carve our own pumpkins! I think they look pretty snazzy!

365, Day 18: Bubbles, MY bubbles!

Bubbles, bubbles, who's got the bubbles??
Evan really enjoyed blowing bubbles that I purchased for him.
It's the simple things in LIFE :)

365, Day 17: Carving Pumpkins is What WE Do :)

Trav's niece & nephew came over this past weekend. Traditionally, we carve pumpkins every year, and bake the pumpkin seeds. 
They had a BLAST doing it, & so did I!

365, Day 16: What You Lookin' at?

This is Sadie, our blue-tick beagle! Her & I enjoyed our Friday afternoon relaxin' outside & killin' stinkbugs!
Too bad she ate the stink bugs after I killed them, & got sick. Darn that dog!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

365, Day 15: Country Roads Take Me HOME

Country favorite "getaway from it all" destination.
Nothing like having the windows down the radio blasting, with your hair blowing in the wind.
Ahhhh, Fall is finally HERE!

365, Day 14: Boo to You!

My Halloween costume for this year: Jessie the cowgirl from Toy Story :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

365, Day 12: Teachers are the Future of Tomorrow

Our education group at school, SESA (Shepherd Education Student Association), participated in NCATE's presentation and dinner celebration. Each group was told to represent their club & specialization in education.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Brave Little Toaster - City of Light

365, Day 11: Long Time Coming

FINALLY got to see Trav's nephew, Evan, & his niece, Crystal this past weekend!! It's been MONTHS since I've last seen them! As you can tell from the picture....Sadie, our beagle, wasn't as thrilled as I was, hahahahaha. 

365, Day 10: Social Problems? I'll Show Ya a Social Problem...

Social problems? Yeah, you're telling me. I'll give ya a social problem. What is a social problem? What is the social problem process?
In all seriousness, I do enjoy this class, because a great professor teaches it. He's down on the students' level, around our age roughly, & tries to make the class entertaining & interesting.
Gotta get to work on my homework & readings now....dun, dun, dun.

365, Day 9: I Got Coupons!!

My uncle & I went to dinner the other night @ Glory Days in Charles Town...had a horrible experience. Bad waitress, cold food, order wrong, & the waitress had the nerve to accuse me of saying I didn't ask for a certain item for dinner to cover up her mistake to her boss. We asked for a manager...she corrected my meal, brought my uncle a fresh & hot plate of food, and brought us out two coupons off of our next dining experience. Now that's how you do it!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

365, Day 8: Rainy Days always get me down...

Rainy days always get me down. I just want to lay in bed all day long & watch re-runs of my favorite TV shows. I don't want to do anything on days like these, especially go to school & walk around campus in the rain.
Such a dreary day.
Maybe this weekend will be nice & sunny!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

365, Day 7: Children of the Corn, much??

I was driving home from school one afternoon, when I passed a ratherly large cornfield. Now, cornfields in the past haven't creeped me out, until I watched one, Children of the Corn, and two, the worst of them all, Signs. Uh, just the mention of the name of the movie creeps me out. 
When Mel Gibson sees the alien's leg move back into the corn, at night, with his flashlight in hand, yep, that's when I have been officially terrified by cornfields. Love them in the daytime, well sort of, but, night time, you might as well forget it!!
Children of the Corn is a whole 'nother story. That movie is just scary to me. Creeeeppppy.
Cornfields. Sheesh.
Fall is definitely making its first impression on me! Haha.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

365, Day 6: Good Luck Charm

My Uncle Roger gave this bracelet to me after my Aunt Kathryn passed away. He gave me many pieces of her jewelry, including a spoon ring, but for some reason, this bracelet, brings good luck to me whenever I wear it. I guess it just makes me special, and have a piece of my aunt wherever I go. My aunt was a very important & special person to me, and to our family. She was the one who held our family together. It's been almost three years since she's been gone.
I will forever wear this bracelet as my good luck charm, to my job interviews, presentations, college graduation, my wedding day, because I will know she will be with me always.

Monday, September 27, 2010

365, Day 5: Family, It's What Matters Most!

My mom, Uncle Bill, & I after attending Tabler Presbyterian Church's 100th anniversary celebration.
Family is most important to me in my life.
What's important to you in your life?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

365, Day 4: There's Just Something Schweet, about a Sweet Tea

There's just something sweet about a McDonald's sweet tea. No matter what kind of mood you are in, a sweet tea from McDonald's always seems to put you in a better one :-)
And it's even better that's it's only a DOLLAR! Nothing sweeter than that!!!

365, Day 3: Pepper's birthday

Isn't my Pepper beautiful? She just celebrated her 11th birthday (in our years). That would make her 77 years old in cat years! WOW, Pep, you're an old woman, haha.

Friday, September 24, 2010

My Neighbor Totoro: Mei Meets Totoro

One of my favorite childhood movies....My Neighbor Totoro!

365: Day 2: It's the Little Things that Count

This was made for me by my 7th grade language arts teacher, Mrs. Wilt. It's an early graduation present :)
I absolutely love it! All handmade! Every year, we try to have lunch together to just catch up in life. She was one of those teachers who made an impact in my life, my school career.
This gift will go in my classroom and give me the motivation to be the best teacher I can be to my little kindergartners :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

365, Day 1: Stink bugs, you will be the death of me!!

These lovely little creatures are currently the talk of the town...they're everywhere! Invading my car, the classrooms, my morning cup of Joe, you name, they've invaded it! They're stink bugs. Yup, they stink, they fly, not well mind you, and they now like to crawl on you and bite...apparently it's a new breed. Sheesh.

My Life in Pictures

I recently saw a classmate of mine post something on Facebook that many of her friends she said were doing, taking pictures on every day, and writing something that happened each and every day to her. She stated she was going to do this for an entire year: her life summed up in a year in pictures. It seemed like a wonderful and fun idea!

So, I wanted to do it too! I'm joining her bandwagon along with her other friends. I am going to take a picture every day for an entire year, and document what I did, even if it is not entirely entertaining..along I am an education major, so I am bound to have something interesting happen every day of my life, haha, no matter what it is.