Wednesday, September 29, 2010

365, Day 7: Children of the Corn, much??

I was driving home from school one afternoon, when I passed a ratherly large cornfield. Now, cornfields in the past haven't creeped me out, until I watched one, Children of the Corn, and two, the worst of them all, Signs. Uh, just the mention of the name of the movie creeps me out. 
When Mel Gibson sees the alien's leg move back into the corn, at night, with his flashlight in hand, yep, that's when I have been officially terrified by cornfields. Love them in the daytime, well sort of, but, night time, you might as well forget it!!
Children of the Corn is a whole 'nother story. That movie is just scary to me. Creeeeppppy.
Cornfields. Sheesh.
Fall is definitely making its first impression on me! Haha.

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